Other activities (on the study plan Taf f, altre conoscenze utili per il mondo del lavoro), 3 credits (CFU) can be acquired with soft skill teaching (or similar) given by Santa Chiara Lab (University of Siena) of or by attending a lab (private or public as university labs) for 75 hours.
Stage (on the study plan Taf f), 6 CFU corresponds to 150 hours of training in private or public labs as university labs.
Please note that training for stage should not overlap and substitute internship for thesis preparation.
Internship (on the study plan Taf e, prova finale, 27 CFU) corresponds to 675 hours (appox 6 months) of lab/field activity in public or private labs. 27 CFU are acquired with thesis presentation and discussion in front of the thesis board.
All the activities are scheduled in the second year of BCEQ study plan.
Each single activity requires a form signed by the teacher supervisor/tutor and/or co-supervisor, to be presented to the Teaching Board in due time (one week before the meeting and anyway before the starting of each activity) for the approval.
The forms below should be sent to