Renew enrollment

To renew enrolment on years subsequent to the first the student must use his personal credentials to access the online student services at This service will operate from 20 June 2024 to 4 November 2024.

The student must complete the procedure for requesting a reduction in fees on the basis of family income: the student must at this time input his/her ISEE data 2024.

For students who are citizens of non-EU member countries and who are not residents of Italy and for students to whom ISEE calculation is not applicableto their immediate family see Regulations for tuition fees 2023/2024 art.4 C.5

This documentation will enable the correct compilation of the online form.

Graduands - Request to suspend enrolment (ON-LINE)

Graduands are students who aim to graduate by the last graduation session in academic year 2023/2024 (by April 2025 at latest) and meet the following academic requirements by 4 November 2024:
A) Students enrolled on a degree course following regulations prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 who have finished all the exams in their study plan and must take the final exam only;
B) Students enrolled on degree courses under Ministerial Decree 509/99 and degree courses under Ministerial Decree 270/04 must have all the signatures of attendance and be no more than 30 credits (CFU) short, not counting the credits awarded for the final exam.

The request to suspend enrolment must from registration must be submitted through the appropriate online procedure no later than 4 November 2024.


A 30 Euro fee will be applied to requests for suspension submitted after this deadline.

admission office

Banchi di Sotto, 55
+ 39 0577 235555
Opening hours MON to FRI 9.20 to 1pm; TUE and THUR also from 2pm to 4pm