Objectives and professional roles

The master's degree in 'Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Quality' trains a highly qualified environmental biologist expert in the multiple aspects of biodiversity, finalized to the purposes of nature conservation and environmental quality assessment.
The graduate therefore deals with the analysis and protection of biodiversity, environmental monitoring, research and scientific dissemination, teaching, facing the urgent national and international demand of experts in biodiversity.
Besides working as freelance biologist, graduates in Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Quality can hold positions of researcher and manager in:
- international, national and regional agencies for the environment and biodiversity
- universities as well as public and private research bodies
- local authorities and consortia for the management of museums, parks, protected areas and nature reserves
- biological, environmental and quality control laboratories
Graduates in Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Quality can access courses/competitions for teaching scientific disciplines in public and private primary and secondary schools.